Welcome. Learn about our unique Functional Medicine approach to healthcare and consider becoming a patient today. Don't accept illness, not feeling well, or the inability to lose weight as just a part of life. We have real answers and solutions to help you become healthy, stay healthy and prevent illness. Functional Medicine is the future of healthcare and you can experience it now. You deserve better!
We focus on the underlying causes of your health concerns as opposed to just managing symptoms. Addressing the root of the problems allows you to restore health, prevent illness and experience vitality.
Food can be the greatest medicine or the slowest poison. We use food as medicine in addition to supplements, vitamins & herbs to rebalance, restore & heal. Learn how to eat with your biology, not against it.
You are unique. Your treatment plan is personalized based on your particular set of circumstances, illnesses and genetic variances. We treat the person not the label and you become actively involved in the healing process.
At Thrive Medical, we offer a comprehensive approach to meet your healthcare needs. We treat the whole person utilizing the principles and methods of Functional Medicine to uncover the root of the problems, restore health and promote optimal vitality. Rob works hand-in-hand with his patients to address the underlying causes of illness as opposed to just managing symptoms or suppressing the body's natural physiology.
We nurture health and healing through nutrition, lifestyle modifications, vitamins, herbs and supplements. We utilize prescription medications when necessary, but understand that simply controlling symptoms is not the long term solution. Rob uses conventional lab testing as well as cutting edge Functional Medicine testing to help uncover the root of your illness. At Thrive Medical, we truly offer individualized, patient centered care. Whether it be chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypothyroidism or the inability to lose weight, Thrive Medical has the answers and solutions you deserve. See full list of services here
Rob is passionate about helping people get well. He is a board certified.......... Learn More about Rob
A Paradigm Shift in Healthcare
Learn about Functional Medicine from the Chairman of the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), Director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, best selling author and world renowned Functional Medicine physician, Dr. Mark Hyman, MD.
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease